The love of Creating Home

>> Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am finding the TRUE love of creating HOME.

I've "done the deeds" and kept house... but that's not what I'm talking about here.
I'm talking about a true passion for Creating Home.
Many of us do not have a lot of money to spend on our homes but that's not what matters either.  You can use what you have and make it work.  Plus, a simple look is a very tidy, neat look if you keep it clean.  
I love keeping home for my family.  It makes them feel good to live here, proud to invite friends over and gives all of us a relaxed feeling to be here.  I am enjoying that if company knocked on the door they could view every bit of my house but that's not it either.

Creating Home - is just that.  Making your house into a HOME.  Make it inviting to your family, let them know it's clean and tidy for them to play in and teach them the diligence and self control to put things back when they are done with it.  You can do this guilt free because you are doing your part.  Make it cozy - a place that they can feel warm in their hearts.  One thing I think that adds to that is having pictures around of them and loved ones.  We keep a throw blanket that I adore (Thanks Renee!)  on the sofa along with a throw pillow.  If someone is feeling tired or not well, they can lay there peacefully.
Creating home means putting GOD FIRST.  Are you teaching your children scriptures?  If not, I encourage you to help them hide His word in their hearts.  We learn one scripture a week.  I am going to start today memorizing an additional scripture for myself each week.  The more of His word we get into ourselves, the more God can make His home in us.

Creating home is making memories.  Special memories the children will remember and they can be such simple ones.  They love spending time with Mommy.  Bake some muffins together.  Draw together.  Things like that do not cost much money.  The muffins can be eaten for snack or the next morning's breakfast and I'm sure you have some paper on hand to draw.  Sit and tell stories and listen to them tell stories.  We love to sit and sing Amazing Grace together.
Creating home, for me, is much more than just the clean, tidy home you live in - it's what you do there.

I hope this has encouraged you to do more at Creating Home in your and your families lives.




Lisa Grace March 22, 2011 at 1:51 PM  

I this is great! I, too, love creating a home. I am still working my way towards the minimalist lifestyle I would like, one box of "stuff" and one area of "clutter" at a time. The more space we have, the more relaxed our home is -- and we can enjoy the things we choose to keep.

Mrs. Stam March 22, 2011 at 1:57 PM  

You got the blanket Yay!!!! I'm so happy you have it in your home now:-)

No Ordinary Me March 22, 2011 at 2:13 PM  

I love creating a home. I think we must be on the same thought pattern lately.

Missionfieldof5 March 22, 2011 at 7:15 PM  

lovely post!!!

Tami March 24, 2011 at 10:30 AM  

wonderful post!

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