Thanksgiving Post #8

>> Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm thankful for crafts.

They give my girls something productive to do during "down time.  They help the girls and I both to foster our creativity.  I love seeing what the girls make.  It also keeps you from idle hands and boredom.  Crafts are also great gifts.  Grandparents love them as well as Mommy & Daddy.  The girls love to display them in their rooms or see them displayed in our home.

It keeps the girls from fussing as well!

If they are occupied then they are less likely to be fussing.  They are focused in on what they are making and working to do their best so they are not bickering over something silly like whose turn it is to do whatever.

It also brings my girls all together.

All three girls can do the crafts even if on different levels.  So it's something that they can all do .. even with baby sister, Hannah Joy.  They each make something unique and they brag to Hannah Joy on what a great job she is doing.
They feel so successful when they have completed them.

They are proud to show Daddy when he gets home.  They're excited of what I may do to them like for instance, spray gloss over them to make them very shiny.  Or they may get to do more with them such as plant a plant in the planter they make.  When they are done they are proud of what they have made and they feel good about it.

They are keepsakes!

I love to put their name, the year & their age on every thing they make.  It gives them keepsakes on many things.  They can keep them or I can keep them and one day give them to them for their own homes.... for their own children to see and perhaps make something the same or similar.  Teaching the love of crafts is such a blessing because it's a family thing and they can one day teach their children to do some of the same things.  It brings out their talents and shows "what stage they were at" at each age.

Crafting is FUN!!  Even Mommy loves to craft!


Lands Family Led by the Lord October 31, 2010 at 3:45 AM  

You are a mommy the girls will look back on when they are older and remember so many happy times together... You are creating memories..I love your daughters name Hannah Joy. We have an Annah and an Abigail Joy!!! God does hear and and answer prayers and then fills our life with JOY....

Teri October 31, 2010 at 9:16 AM  

Dear Cassidy...such a sweet blessing when you come to visit my "little space"...always nice to hear from you! My first thought as I was reading your blessing for today was all of the sweet memories that you all are making! Sunday blessings to you and your family! Hugs ♥ Teri

maria October 31, 2010 at 12:04 PM  

The memories in those crafts are just priceless!

I also enjoy seeing my boys create with what they like - Leggos and such.

My little girl is different, but her crafts are mostly ripping magazines :-)


Katia October 31, 2010 at 1:26 PM  

Yes, me too. I am thankful the Lord gives us the ability and resources for this making things.
Have a wonderful afternoon!

Linda October 31, 2010 at 3:32 PM  

What a blessing to your daughters. We love doing crafts as part of our homeschool. Sadly I just don't do them enough.
Great to meet you as part of Tamara's thanksgiving meme.

Illinois Lori October 31, 2010 at 8:49 PM  

Yes, I agree...wonderful keepsakes and memories!


No Ordinary Me November 1, 2010 at 7:17 AM  

That is such a great blessing. I would have never thought of it.

Branch Of Wisdom November 1, 2010 at 10:44 PM  

Hi Cassidy,
I don't have access to email right now, but I do have a bit of limited access to internet. I'm okay :) I had a very special opportunity arise to visit family and go somewhere special. I didn't want you to worry, but I did find something cute for your girls today! Hugs, Tamara

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