Homeschool & New Routine

>> Monday, October 18, 2010


We are working on a new routine with homeschool being first priority  but not losing sight of the routine we've been on with the house.  (keeping it clean all the time)  Today we worked on a new routine mixed in with our schooling.  For example, we unloaded & reloaded the dishwasher right before we started school.  It took about 15 minutes but gave us a nice, head start!  They took a short break while I made lunch and I did a few things while they ate and then they started a load of towels after they ate.  They got a 5 minute longer break after eating and then we did some review of what we had done so far and went on.  After school we swept and mopped the kitchen, etc...   Today has been long because I had to get some more school supplies tonight which meant a trip to wal mart.  (ugh, I hate going there now!)  I have everything reviewed and ready for tomorrow but I have been going 90 to nothing with a few short breaks as they worked on worksheets after I taught them that subject where I could sit down and check some email and a couple blogs.  It's almost 11 PM and I want to change the cat box and head to bed.  I change it twice a week.. the day before trash day and the trash comes on Tues and Fri so I am getting it done tonight and ready to go out tomorrow. was a great day and as my Nanny would say, "a good tired."  Papers are graded and in their binders.  We're all set for tomorrow!  :)


Missionfieldof5 October 19, 2010 at 8:08 PM  

I am not sure how to fit everything in yet....the boys can help with some things because they are not doing loads of work yet....Haley has lots of school work and there does not seem to be much time to do chores....but she is a big helper with Matthew....sigh...not sure how to balance it all out so that she learns the homemaking skills necessary for her.

Branch Of Wisdom October 20, 2010 at 11:32 PM  

Wow, you have been busy with homeschooling, routine, AND all these posts!!!

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